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“We have created the market and we can change it. It may not be possible to imagine a world without a market, but it is possible to think of one where the market helps to discourage greed, selfishness, cynicism and exploitation, rather than positively encourages them. Like all social constructs, the market could be different.”
The Market Myth is an empowering treatment of today’s economic system that frees the reader to define, and then develop, new kinds of markets more suited to the world we live in now.
The message of this book is that the market is a tool. Like democracy or other social inventions, it can be adapted so that it can be used for what we want. The market isn’t a creature that lives its own life. Wecreated it and we recreate it every moment, whether we buy a newspaper or medical care. There are many possible free markets, and we can decide what our free market should be like. Much as the rules of the market created in times past have established our current view of the market, we can nowcreate new rules and markets that are more fair, more sustainable, and more ethical while still keepingthe efficiency that characterizes the market of today. The Market Myth challenges the constitutive rules of today’s marketplace, and shows that we can createnew fundamental rules and markets that take us more effectively toward our goals.
- Utgiven 2016
- ISBN: 9789187935633
Tomas Björkman
Tomas Björkman är entreprenör, finansman och fastighetsutvecklare med stort intresse för vetenskap och filosofi. Han har grundat flera företag och organisationer, däribland…
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Tomas Björkman
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