Fuskarna: Utvidgad källförteckning

Återkommande källor

ALLEA – All European Academies (2018). Den europeiska kodexen för forskningens integritet. Reviderad utgåva. Berlin: ALLEA. https://allea.org/code-of-conduct/?cn-reloaded=1#toggle-id-20

Asplund K (2019). »Oredlighet i forskning – regleras i lag från årsskiftet. Lagen ökar rättssäkerheten men täcker inte alla omoraliska beteenden i forskningen«. Läkartidningen 116:FTPZ.

Asplund K, Blom N, Johansson K, Persson J, Östlund P (2016). »Fallet Macchiarini. Utredning av verksamheten med transplantationer av syntetiska luftstrupar vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset«. https://www.sll.se/globalassets/1.-halsa-och-vard/bilagor—nyhet/bilagor-nyheter-2016/fallet-macchiarini-rapport.pdf

Goodstein D (2010). On fact and fraud: Cautionary tales from the frontlines of science. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.

Hermerén G (2014). »På Minervas bakgård. Om vetenskaplig oredlighet: Definitioner, metoder, sanktioner«. Kungliga Vitterhetsakademiens Årsbok 2014 s. 209–233.

Judson HF (2004). The great betrayal: fraud in science. Orlando: Harcourt.

Lindquist B (2018). Macchiariniaffären: sanningar och lögner på Karolinska. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag.

Regeringens proposition 2018/19:58. Ny ordning för att främja god sed och hantera oredlighet i forskning. https://www.regeringen.se/4a4fb2/contentassets/c8b714c3012b4974821dc185737323c0/ny-ordning-for-att-framja-god-sed-och-hantera-oredlighet-i-forskning-prop.-20181958

Stroebe W, Postmes T, Spears R (2012). »Scientific misconduct and the myth of self-correction in science«. Perspectives in Psychological Science 7:670–88.

Sveriges Riksdag. Lag (2019:504) om ansvar för god forskningssed och prövning av oredlighet i forskning.https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/lag-2019504-om-ansvar-for-god-forskningssed_sfs-2019-504

Wikforss Å (2020). Alternativa fakta. Om kunskapen och dess fiender. Stockholm: Fri Tanke.

Wise J (2013). »Boldt: the great pretender«. British Medical Journal 346:f1738.


Asplund K, Israelsson K, Schampi I (1995). »Effects of haemodilution in acute ischemic stroke«. I: Warlow C, Sandercock PAG, van Gijn J (red.) Stroke Module of the Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 2.

Englund, P (2020). Söndagsvägen. Berättelsen om ett mord. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

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Kapitel 1. Även de stora har fuskat

Crews F (2018). Freud. The making of an Illusion. New York: Picador USA.

Fisher RA (1936). »Has Mendel’s work been rediscovered?«. Annals of Science 1:115–37.

Galton DJ (2012). »Did Mendel falsify his data?«. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 105:215–6.

Geison GL (2016). The private science of Louis Pasteur. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.

Gingerich O (1980). »Was Ptolemy a Fraud?«. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 21:253–66.

Hetherington NS (1997). »Ptolemy: On trial for fraud«. Astronomy & Geophysics 38:24–27. 

Perutz MF (21 december 1995). The pioneer defended. The New York Reviews of Books. https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/12/21/the-pioneer-defended/

Russell C (23 februari 1993). Louis Pasteur and questions of fraud. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1993/02/23/louis-pasteur-and-questions-of-fraud/196b2287-f63f-4bac-874e-c33b122d6f61/

Kapitel 2. Fallet Diederik Stapel

Bik E (16 juli 2019). »Fabrication: The Diederik Stapel case«. Science Integrity Digest (blogg). https://scienceintegritydigest.com/2019/07/16/fabrication-the-diederik-stapel-case/

Bhattacharjee Y (26 april 2013). »The mind of a con man«. New York Times Magazine, https://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/28/magazine/diederik-stapels-audacious-academic-fraud.html?auth=linked-google

Brahms Y (2020). »The philosophy of post-truth«. Institute for National Security Studieshttps://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep23537

Stapel D (2016). Faking science: A true story of academic fraud. Engelsk översättning av Stapels bok Ontsporing (förkortad och reviderad version). https://errorstatistics.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/fakingscience-20141214.pdf

Kapitel 3. Fallet Paolo Macchiarini

Day M (2019). »Disgraced tracheal transplant surgeon is handed 16 month prison sentence in Italy«. British Medical Journal 367:l6676.

Ferguson C (12 December 2014). »Revealed: Complaint lodged against Macchiarini, ’super-surgeon’ under investigation«. Retraction Watchhttps://retractionwatch.com/2014/12/12/revealed-complaint-lodged-macchiarini-super-surgeon-investigation/#more-24483

Fountain H (24 november 2014). »Leading surgeon is accused of misconduct in experimental transplant operations«. New York Timeshttps://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/25/world/leading-surgeon-is-accused-of-misconduct-in-experimental-transplant-operations.html

Gerdin B (13 maj 2015). Utlåtande i oredlighetsärende. Brev till KI:s rektor

Grönlund E (25 juni 2018). »Visselblåsaren i Macchiarini-skandalen fälld för fusk: ’KI är ruttet’«. SVT Nyheter.https://www.svt.se/nyheter/vetenskap/visselblasaren-i-macchiarini-skandalen-falld-for-fusk-ki-ar-ruttet

Hake C-M (10 juni 2019). »Visselblåsare nekas prövning i högsta instans«. Dagens Medicin.https://www.dagensmedicin.se/artiklar/2019/06/10/visselblasare-nekas-provning-i-hogsta-instans/

Karolinska Institutet (25 juni 2018). »Sju forskare fälls för oredlighet i forskning i Macchiarini-ärende«.https://nyheter.ki.se/sju-forskare-falls-for-oredlighet-i-forskning-i-macchiarini-arende

Karolinska Institutets rektor (28 augusti 2015). »Ärende om misstanke om oredlighet i forskning angående professor Paolo Macchiarini«. Beslut, dnr 2-2184/2014.

Karolinska Institutet (28 januari 2016). »Undersökning av uppgifter i professor Paolo Macchirarinis CV«. Rapport. https://nyheter.ki.se/sites/default/files/migrate/undersokning_av_uppgifter_i_cv.pdf

Lerner T (26 augusti 2015). »Psykologen om varför vi fuskar. Intervju med professor Per Carlbring, Stockholms Universitet«. Dagens Nyheter. https://www.dn.se/insidan/psykologen-om-varfor-vi-fuskar/

Lindbom M (17 december 2018). »Visselblåsarna på KI: Vi är dödförklarade som forskare«. Lag & Avtal.https://www.lag-avtal.se/nyhetsarkiv/visselblasarna-pa-ki-vi-ar-dodforklarade-som-forskare-6942728

Kapitel 4. Vad är forskningsfusk?

Brainard J (2018). »Rethinking retractions«. Science 362:390–3

Castelvecchi D (15 maj 2015). »Physics paper sets record with more than 5,000 authors«. Nature.https://www.nature.com/news/physics-paper-sets-record-with-more-than-5-000-authors-117567

Fanelli D (2009). »How many scientists fabricate and falsify research? A systematic review and meta-analysis of survey data«. PLoS One 4:e5738.

Fong EA, Wilhite AW (2017). »Authorship and citation manipulation in academic research«. PLoS One 12:e0187394.

George SL, Buyse M (2015). »Data fraud in clinical trials«. Clinical Investigation 5:161–73.

Hake C-M (14 maj 2018). »’Lars Andersson’ publicerade även i svensk tidskrift«. Dagens Medicin. https://www.dagensmedicin.se/alla-nyheter/nyheter/lars-andersson-publicerade-aven-i-svensk-tidskrift/

Haug CJ (2015). »Peer-review fraud–hacking the scientific publication process«. New England Journal of Medicine373:2393–5.

Helgesson G, Juth N, Schneider J, Lövtrup M, Lynøe N (2018). »Misuse of coauthorship in medical theses in Sweden«.Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 13:402–11.

Hillman H (1997). »Parafraud in biology«. Science and Engineering Ethics 3:121–136.

Jacobsen G, Hals A (1995). »Medical investigators’ views about ethics and fraud in medical research«. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians London 9:405–9.

Johansson M, Marklund B (2016). »AllTrials-kampanjen och varför vi behöver Cochrane i Sverige«. Läkartidningen113:DWTP.

John LK, Loewenstein G, Prelec D (2012). »Measuring the prevalance of questionable research practices with incentives for truth telling«. Psychological Science 23:524–32.

Jungebluth P, Alici E, Baiguera S, Blomberg P, Bozoky B, Crowley C, o. a. (2011). »Tracheobronchial transplantation with a stem-cell-seeded bioartificial nanocomposite: a proof-of-concept study«. Lancet 378:1997–2004.

Marcus Adam (18 juli 2019). »Exclusive: Russian site says it has brokered authorships for more than 10,000 researchers«. Retraction Watchhttps://retractionwatch.com/2019/07/18/exclusive-russian-site-says-it-has-brokered-authorships-for-more-than-10000-researchers/

The Office of Research Integrity»Definition of research misconduct«. https://ori.hhs.gov/definition-misconduct

Uhlin Å (27 september 2007). »Fuskanmäld professor slår tillbaka«. Dagens Medicinhttps://www.dagensmedicin.se/artiklar/2007/09/27/fuskanmald-professor-slar-tillbaka/

Van Noorden R (2020). »Highly cited researcher banned from journal board for citation abuse«. Nature 578:200–1.

Wislar JS, Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, Deangelis CD (2011). »Honorary and ghost authorship in high impact biomedical journals: a cross sectional survey«. British Medical Journal 343:d6128.

Zastrow M (2018). »Kid co-authors in South Korea spur government probe«. Nature 554:154–5.

Kapitel 5. Vem fuskar och varför?

AP Archive (21 juli 2015). »Disgraced stem cell scientist asks for forgiveness«. Youtube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CpoulpC-2c

Bilton N (6 september 2016). »How Elizabeth Holmes’s house of cards came tunbling down«. Vanity Fair.https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/09/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-exclusive

Bilton N (20 februari 2019). »’She never looks back’. Inside Elizabeth Holmes’s chilling final months at Theranos. Vanity Fair«. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/02/inside-elizabeth-holmess-final-months-at-theranos

Caligor E, Levy KN, Yeomans FE (2015). »Narcissistic personality disorder: diagnostic and clinical challenges«. American Journal of Psychiatry 72:415–22.

Crocker J (2011). »The road to fraud starts with a single step«. Nature 479:151.

Duffield G, Grabovsky P (2001). »The psychology of fraud«. Australian Institute of Criminology 199:1–6.

Fang FC, Bennett JW, Casadevall A (2013). »Males are overrepresented among life science researchers committing scientific misconduct«. mBio 4:e00640–12.

Kaatz A, Vogelman PN, Carnes M (2013). »Are men more likely than women to commit scientific misconduct? Maybe, maybe not«. mBio 4:e00156–13.

Kish-Gephart JJ, Harrison DA, Trevino LK (2010). »Bad apples, bad cases, and bad barrels: meta-analytic evidence about sources of unethical decisions at work«. Journal of Applied Psychology 95:1–31.

Lindquist B (2018). Macchiariniaffären : sanningar och lögner på Karolinska. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag.

Link TV (2014). »Pretty woman: Japanese media blinded by the gender of stem cell scientist«. Youtube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN7NLN3BqsM

Otake T (24 maj 2016). »In first interview since ’14, scandal-hit Obokata says she has received job offers from U.S., Germany«. The Japan Timeshttps://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/05/24/national/science-health/first-interview-since-14-scandal-hit-obokata-says-received-job-offers-u-s-germany/#.Xe-FOpNKi_g

Scales D (29 juli 2018). »Sex appeal, startups and scammers.Wikihospitals on Elizabeth Holmes«. Wikihospitals. https://wikihospitals.com/sex-appeal-startups-and-scammers/

Scanlon C. (13 januari 2006). »Korea’s national shock at scandal«. BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4608838.stm

Stern AM, Casadevall A, Steen RG, Fang FC (2014). »Financial costs and personal consequences of research misconduct resulting in retracted publications«. eLife e02956.

Williams KM, Nathanson C, Paulhus DL (2010). »Identifying and profiling scholastic cheaters: their personality, cognitive ability, and motivation«. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 16:293–307.

Wise J (2013). »Boldt: the great pretender«. British Medical Journal 346:f1738.

Webb G (2016). »Women and research fraud«. Dr Geoff (blogg). https://drgeoffnutrition.wordpress.com/2016/11/14/women-and-research-fraud/

Kapitel 6. Högriskmiljöer och mentalt klimat

Andersson U (2014). »Fusk och förtroende«, SOM-rapport 27. SOM-institutet och Göteborgs Universitet.

Asplund K, o.a. Komplementär och alternativ medicin och vård – säkerhet, kunskap, dialog. SOU 2019:15. https://www.regeringen.se/4961ee/contentassets/75e0d769c4be49f8b2accc1a4cb5451e/komplementar-och-alternativ-medicin-och-vard—sakerhet-kunskap-dialog-sou-2019_15.pdf

Bik EM, Fang FC, Kullas AL, Davis RJ, Casadevall A (2018). »Analysis and correction of inappropriate image duplication: the Molecular and Cellular Biology experience«. Molecular Cell Biology 38:e00309–18.

Brahms Y (2020). »The philosophy of post-truth«. Institute for National Security Studies.https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep23537

Brody JE (25 maj 1974). »Inquiry at cancer center finds fraud in research«. New York Timeshttps://www.nytimes.com/1974/05/25/archives/article-5-no-title-fraud-is-charged-at-cancer-center-premature.html

Cadwalladr C (12 februari 2017). »Daniel Dennett: ‘I begrudge every hour I have to spend worrying about politics’«. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/feb/12/daniel-dennett-politics-bacteria-bach-back-dawkins-trump-interview

Choe Sanh-hun (26 oktober 2009). »Disgraced cloning expert convicted in South Korea«. New York Times.https://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/world/asia/27clone.html

Culliton BJ (1983). »Coping with fraud: the Darsee Case«. Science 220:31–5.

Else H (2020). »How a torrent of COVIS science changed – in seven charts«. Nature. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-020-03564-y.

Fanelli D (2009). »How many scientists fabricate and falsify research? A systematic review and meta-analysis of survey data«. PLoS One 4:e5738.

Fanelli D, Costas R, Fang FC, Casadevall A, Bik EM (2019). »Testing hypotheses on risk factors for scientific misconduct via matched-control analysis of papers containing problematic image duplications«. Science and Engineering Ethics 25:771–89.

Heyman S, Hake C-M (16 september 2020). »KI:s förra prorektor fälls för forskningsfusk. ’Man kan tycka att bedömningen är hård, absolut.’«. Dagens Medicin. https://www.dagensmedicin.se/artiklar/2020/09/10/kis-forra-prorektor-falls-for-forskningsfusk/

John LK, Loewenstein G, Prelec D (2012). »Measuring the prevalence of questionable research practices with incentives for truth telling«. Psychological Science 23:524–32.

Marcus A (2018). »A scientist’s fraudulent studies put patients at risk«. Science 362:394

Mehra MR, Desai SS, Ruschitzka F, Patel AN (2020). »RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis«. Lancet.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31180-6

Mehra MR, Desai SS, Kuy S, Henry TD, Patel AN (2020). »Cardiovascular disease, drug therapy, and mortality in Covid-19«. New England Journal of Medicine 382:e102.

Nämnden för prövning av oredlighet i forskning (Npof) (2020). »Beslut i fråga om oredlighet i forskning«. Dnr 3.1-20/0022. https://oredlighetsprovning.se/uploaded-files/0022.pdf

Open Science Collaboration (2015). »Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science«. Science 349:aac4716.

Oransky I (2018). »Volunteer watchdogs pushed a small country up the rankings«. Science 362:395.

Ozkan J (2019). »Piero Anversa and cardiomyocyte regeneration«. European Heart Journal 40:1036–7.

Parrish D, Noonan B (2009). »Image manipulation as research misconduct«. Science and Engineering Ethics 15:161–7.

Rössner S. (2007). »Herbert Olivecrona: ”Min svett är steril”«. Läkartidningen 104:2540.

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World Health Organization (2021). »Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19«. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/global-research-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov.

Kapitel 7. Rovtidskrifter och rockonferenser

Aldhous P (11 juni 2009). »CRAP paper accepted by journal«. New Scientist.  https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17288-crap-paper-accepted-by-journal/

Axelsson I (1 mars 2019). »Forskare: isbjörnar kan bli människor«. Svenska Dagbladet. https://www.svd.se/forskare-isbjornar-kan-bli-manniskor.

Bartneck C (20 oktober 2016). »iOS just got a paper on nuclear physics accepted at a scientific conference«. http://www.bartneck.de/2016/10/20/ios-just-got-a-paper-on-nuclear-physics-accepted-at-a-scientific-conference/

Beall J (2012). »Predatory publishers are corrupting open access«. Nature 489:179.

Beall J (2015). »Criteria for determining predatory open-access publishers«. Scholarly Open Access. https://beallslist.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/criteria-2015.pdf

Beall J (2015). »Another Taiwan-based mega-scholarly conference organizer emerges«. Scholarly Open Accesshttps://scholarlyoa.com/another-taiwan-based-mega-scholarly-conference-organizer-emerges/

Bohannon J (2013). »Who’s afraid of peer review?«. Science 342:60–5.

Eriksson S, Helgesson G (2017). »The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics«. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20:163–70.

Falklöf L (7 december 2018). »Forskare för kritik för oredlighet i forskning«. Linköpings Universitet. https://liu.se/nyhet/forskare-far-kritik-for-oredlighet

Federal Trade Commission (3 april 2019). »Court rules in FTC’s favor against predatory academic publisher OMICS Group; Imposes $50.1 million judgment against defendants that made false claims and hid publishing fees«. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2019/04/court-rules-ftcs-favor-against-predatory-academic-publisher-omics

Folkhälsomyndigheten och Läkemedelsverket (2020). Barnvaccinationsprogrammet i Sverige 2019. Årsrapport. https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/publicerat-material/publikationsarkiv/b/barnvaccinationsprogrammet-i-sverige-2019/

Gabrielsson S, Eriksson S, Todskesen T. »Predatory nursing journals: A case study of author prevalence and characteristics«. Nursing Ethics DOI: 10.1177/0969733020968215. Online ahead of print.

Gingell J (21 oktober 2016). »Nonsense paper written by iOS autocomplete accepted for conference«. The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/oct/22/nonsense-paper-written-by-ios-autocomplete-accepted-for-conference

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Salal D (2009). »The Bogousslavsky Affair«. Fraud Magazinehttps://www.fraud-magazine.com/article.aspx?id=360

Schneider L (12 december 2018). »Linköping investigation: Tiwari trips over Sharma’s fraud«. For Better Science (blogg). https://forbetterscience.com/2018/12/12/linkoping-investigation-tiwari-trips-over-sharmas-fraud/

Sorokowski P, Kulczycki E, Sorokowska A, Pisanski K (2017). »Predatory journals recruit fake editor«. Nature 543:481–3.

Kapitel 8. Att avslöja forskningsfusk

Blume E (5 september 2018). »Årets Visslare: ’Det känns som om trakasserierna aldrig tar slut’«. Sjukhusläkaren.https://www.sjukhuslakaren.se/arets-visslare-det-kanns-som-om-trakasserierna-aldrig-tar-slut/

Boldt J, Stumpp J (25 november 2010). »Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Klinikums Ludwighafen und von Herrn Joachim Boldt«. Klinikum Ludwigshafenhttps://www.klilu.de/presse__termine/pressemitteilungen/pressearchiv/2010/gemeinsame_pressemitteilung_des_klinikums_ludwigshafen_und_von_herrn_prof_dr_joachim_boldt/index_ger.html?raw=boldt&ZMS_HIGHLIGHT=raw

Borrell B (10 mars 2009). »A medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist faked data in 21 studies«. Scientific American.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-medical-madoff-anesthestesiologist-faked-data/

Buchanan R (30 oktober 2019). »61 retractions for controversial psychologist Hans Eysenck? That’s a significant underestimate, says his biographer«. Retraction Watch. https://retractionwatch.com/2019/10/30/61-retractions-for-controversial-psychologist-hans-eysenck-thats-a-significant-underestimate-says-his-biographer/

Fleischfresser S (2019). »Is this ’one of the worst scientific scandals of all time’?«. Cosmos. (länken stängd).

Gunther M (18 december 2019). »”Tidernas viktigaste psykolog” – och en av de värsta skandalerna i vetenskapshistorien«. Dagens Nyheter. https://www.dn.se/nyheter/vetenskap/tidernas-viktigaste-psykolog-och-en-av-de-varsta-skandalerna-i-vetenskapshistorien/

Hahn R (2011). »En stjärnas fall«. Läkartidningen 108:768–9.

Hedin U-C, Månsson S-A (2008). »Repressalier mot kritiker i offentliga organisationer«. Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift, nr 3–4:276–94.

Martin E (29 november 2010). »Untersuchungsbericht der Kommission für die Pressekonferenz am 29. November 2010«. Klinikum Ludwigshafen. https://www.klilu.de/presse__termine/pressemitteilungen/pressearchiv/2010/untersuchungsbericht_der_kommission_fuer_die_pressekonferenz_am_29_november_2010/index_ger.html?raw=boldt&ZMS_HIGHLIGHT=raw

Koziol M (26 juli 2016). »Who is Ranjit Kumar Chandra? A timeline of notoriety«. Retraction Watch.https://retractionwatch.com/2016/07/26/who-is-ranjit-kumar-chandra-a-timeline-of-notoriety/

Kranke P, Apfel CC, Roewer N, Fujii Y (2000). »Reported data on granisetron and postoperative nausea and vomiting by Fujii et al. are incredibly nice!«. Anesthesia & Analgalgesia 90:1004–7.

Kranke P, Apfel CC, Eberhart LH, Georgieff M, Roewer N (2001). »The influence of a dominating centre on a quantitative systematic review of granisetron for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting«. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 45:659–70.

Lennane J (2012). »What happens to whistleblowers, and why«. Social Medicine 6:249–58.

Marcus A, Oransky I (21 maj 2015). »How the Biggest Fabricator in Science Got Caught«, Nautilushttp://nautil.us/issue/24/error/how-the-biggest-fabricator-in-science-got-caught

Marcus A (2018). »A scientist’s fraudulent studies put patients at risk«. Science 362:394.

Marcus A (26 februari 2020). »Journal founded by Hans Eysenck issues expressions of concern for his papers, despite calls by university to retract«, Retraction Watch. https://retractionwatch.com/2020/02/26/journal-founded-by-hans-eysenck-issues-expressions-of-concern-for-his-papers-despite-calls-by-university-to-retract/

Marks DF (2019). »The Hans Eysenck affair: Time to correct the scientific record«. Journal of Health Psychology24:409–20.

Nussmeier NA, Searles BE (2009). »The next generation of colloids: ready for ”prime time”?«. Anesthesiology & Analgesia 109:1715–7.

Ohlin E (2006). »Sudbøs forskning full av lögn och falska data«. Läkartidningen 103:2018–21.

O’Neill-Yates C (30 januari 2006). »The secret life of Ranjit Chandra«. The National. http://www.infactcanada.ca/Chandra_Jan30_2006.htm

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Kapitel 9. Offren

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Kapitel 10. Fuskjägarna

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Kapitel 11 Vad hände med fuskarna?

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Kapitel 12. Fallet Elizabeth Holmes och Theranos 

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