The Nordic Secret – a lecture by the authors Lene Rachel Andersen and Tomas Björkman

The Nordic Secret explores how the Nordic countries invented a new kind of education, developed everybody’s potential and changed their fate. The inspiration came from Germany, France, Switzerland, the US, and the UK, and the transition began in a farmhouse. As new technologies and globalization are revamping our societies again, what can we learn from the past and how can we approach human development and meaning-making in times of great change?

Tomas Björkman är entreprenör, finansman och fastighetsutvecklare med stort intresse för vetenskap och filosofi. Han har grundat flera företag och organisationer, däribland Investment Banking Partners AB. Han har också varit ordförande i EFG Investment Bank. Han har grundat Stiftelsen Ekskäret, med syftet att stimulera hållbar utveckling för individ, organisation och samhälle. Han har tidigare publicerat boken The Market Myth (2016).

Lene Rachel Andersen (b. 1968) is Danish; she has a BA in business economy and studied theology 1993-97. From 1993 to 2001, she wrote comedy and entertainment for Danish media and went to the US a number of times; she went there a Dane and returned as a European. Since 2005, she has worked as an independent futurist, author, philosopher, and publisher. For her books, she has received the Ebbe Kløvedal-Reich Democracy Baton (2007) and the Danish librarians’ Døssing Prize (2012); among her titles are Democracy Handbook (2010), Globalt gearskift (2014) and Testosteroned Child. Sad. (2017).
