I Media
The year of living dyingly
The phrase “the year of living dyingly” occurs only once in Christopher Hitchens’s new memoir, Mortality, but it is strong…
Recension: Att dö
Not surprisingly, this book about a ”year lived dyingly” is not Hitchens at his muscular best. It has other virtues,…
Recension Att dö: “To the dumb question ‘Why me?’ the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply: Why not?”
”What makes the book truly extraordinary is his profound oscillation between his characteristic, proud, almost stubborn self-awareness — that ability…
Recension: Hitchens get the last word
In life, he was a tub-thumping atheist, and much of his book is given over to ranting against God, prayers,…
Recension: Staying Power
Christopher Hitchens began his memoir, “Hitch-22,” on a note of grim amusement at finding himself described in a British National…
Recension: Att dö
This last sad and oddly inspiring book, Christopher Hitchens’s own pieces are shaped like a fugue; the theme is death,…
En unik röst in i det sista
Hitchens var en genuin grafoman som vid sidan sin vittgående journalistik, publicerade ett tjugotal böcker, däribland den extremt kontroversiella Du…
Life at the Speed of Light by J Craig Venter
Peter Forbes on a biologist obsessed with the basis of life – and with himself.
Recension: Dawkins synar sina egna åsikter
”Det är spännande att följa hans (Richard Dawkins) berättelse, från barnaåren i det brittiska koloniala Afrika, över skolgången vid internatskolorna…
En svår barndom? Nej då, bara lite sorgsna gener
I den omtalade boken ”Mina vackra gener” berättade Lone Frank om sina egna gentester. Nu följer hon upp med en…
”Jim Baggotts populärvetenskapliga bok Higgspartikeln är inte precis lättläst i alla sina detaljer, men jag fann att verkligt avgörande begrepp…